
Body Image Standards

Decent Essays

By: Ben Dover Bitch Perhaps no time in history have body image standards had such an enormous impact on society. With today's mass media people can be subjected to thousands of images and messages daily, portraying the "ideal" body image. The people most often portrayed and effected by these messages are young women. Females can feel constant pressure to live up to these ideals which are most often unattainable. This pressure can cause detrimental physical and mental states. To fully understand this problem we must first ask ourselves, "Why?" Why has the female body been pushed to the forefront of society and media? It is undeniable that it is merely a marketing ploy. The beauty sector is a multibillion dollar a year industry. …show more content…

The image they portray is unrealistic, unhealthy, and irresponsible. There seems to be little hope though. It is unlikely that the beauty industry will loosen its grip on the minds of women and not try so hard to make them think they're ugly. That would of course hurt sales and cause them to make only hundreds of millions instead of billions. It is also improbable that Hollywood will break perhaps its only rule, because that too would disrupt the bottom line. So, for the time being anyway, we are a society being told how to look, and trying to live up to an impossible standard. Word Count:

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