
Body Shop International

Decent Essays


We are going to show a three years forecast for The Body Shop International; it consists of three main objectives:

• To enhance The Body Shop brand through a focused product strategy and increased investments in stores;

• To achieve operational efficiencies in the supply chain by reducing product and inventory costs;

• To reinforce the stakeholders culture.

We extrapolate each account using the percentage of sales of year 2001 to have a first look on the evolution of the financial statements regarding to sales’ growth. We choose to use the percentage of sales of the most recent year to try to fit best the actual situation of the society.

This choice didn’t restrict our analysis of the society …show more content…

Up to this point, the company seems to not need any additional financing. But we need to go through the sensitivity analysis to provide a more detailed answer. For the sensitivity analysis we observe the profit (loss) retained regarding to variations in the sales growth, the cost of sales and the operating expenses. What are the conclusions that we can draw from this sensitivity analysis?

-Good news is that the sales growth doesn’t need to be enormous (4-6%) to make profit. Indeed the profits of 1999 and 2001 were lower because of restructuring costs (1999) and exceptional costs (2001). This means that the company looked well managed.

-There are more things to say concerning the sensitivity analysis relative to the cost of sales. The company is actually trying to reduce these costs and it’s an aspect that we took into account in our financial statements prediction. But we see that if these costs are increasing until 50% of the sales (something that could happen if the cost reduction plan doesn’t work), even if the sales growth is important, the company will lose money during at least two years. The costs were around 40% of the sales from 1999 to 2001 so we don’t except them to increase, under the condition of continuity in the good management of these costs. On the other hand, if the costs decrease by at least 5%, profits will increase by around 40%. Another option for the company would be to use a financial instrument (a future

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