
Book Of Esther Summary

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The book of Esther is a book of history that takes place in Persia around 464 BC to 495 BC. It is a story of Gods redemptive plan using a courageous Jewish woman born Hadassah which means hidden that is what she would become among the group of Persian women that was brought before the Persian Emperor Xerxes so he could select his new queen. Xerxes had a Persian queen Vashti whom he divorced because she disobeyed him and publicly. Xerxes was a careless a foolish ruler who allowed his right-hand man Haman to rein and rule the kingdom without overseeing his affairs himself. Now there was young Jewish orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai a servant to the king. When news spread that all beautiful women be brought before the king. Mordecai …show more content…

One day as Mordecai was passing by Haman he did not bow this angered Haman. Knowing Mordecai was a Jew, Haman sought to kill all the Jews in Persia. He persuaded the king to pass a law to genocide of all the Jews in the land. Mordecai sent word to Esther go into the presence of the king to plead with him on behalf of her people. Mordecai and Hamman pass by each other in the streets Mordecai refuses to bow this enrages Hamman. He ordered special gallows to be built in which to hang Mordecai by. Earlier Mordecai had learned of plot by Hamman to kill the king he informed Queen Esther who informed the authorities. One evening the king had requested that the kingdom events be read to him this is where he learns of the unsung hero. The next day when Hamman came to visit the king concerning his plans for Mordecai. The inquired of Hamman what he should do to for a man he wanted to honor. Hamman answered the question with a proud an puffed up response because he perceived it was him to be honored. The queen had prepared a second feast for king and Hamman was invited it was there Esther told the king of Hamman plan to kill her and her people. The king was so enraged that he ordered Hamman to be hung by same gallows he prepared for

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