
Book Report Ender's Game

Decent Essays

Title: Ender’s Game

Author: Orson Scott Card, no I haven’t read anything else from this author

Type of Book: Science Fiction

Main Characters: Ender Wiggin, Mazer Rackham, Hyrum Graff (Colonel Graff), Major

Anderson, Petra Arkanian, Bonzo Madrid, Valentine Wiggin, Peter Wiggin, Dink Meeker, Bean,

Sergeant Dap, Alai, Bernard, Stilson, Shen, Fly Molo, Han Tzu

Ender Wiggin: The most important character Andrew Ender Wiggin was the youngest

of the siblings of Peter and Valentine. Ender was chosen by Colonel Graff, joining the

International Fleet to save the world from another attack against the buggers. Colonel

Graff and others in battle school, guide Ender to the end to being head and leader in the

Battle with the Buggers, which came …show more content…

 Most loved/favored: Valentine Wiggin was Ender’s older sister and only one who truly

loved him, protecting him from their misanthrope brother. Later in the story Valentine

wrote a letter to Ender to get “a handle on things” when he mentally broke down, filled

with exhaustion. After the hardships they were reunited and traveled colonizing the

bugger world, and seeking new land for the buggers to live.

 Negative/bad character: Peter Wiggin was Ender’s older and corrupt brother. Peter was

well gifted with intelligence, but used it for his own cruel ways like manipulation. This

played more of a part after Ender left, and he decided to take part in world occurrences.

Peter convinced Valentine to play a roll, and through networks and intelligence, they

gained power. Towards the end, when Ender came up with a victory, Peter took part as

the world leader (Ender and Valentine never returned to Earth).

Main Themes/Ideas: The main theme of the story is, don’t put your full trust in …show more content…

This theme teaches the reader a point that takes part through

life. The book teaches, you can’t trust everyone, multiple intelligent minds working together is

better than one, the acceptance of common good is better for others than the greed of own

individual feelings, the power of isolation can affect individual strengths, and life is hard to


My Evaluation: Ender’s Game worked well with me and my thinking process, so I had no

issues understanding what went on throughout the story. Compared to other books in the same

genre, I think the author did great making the story understandable and comparable to

humankind and life struggles. Even though the story took place in space, the struggles Ender

went through is just another way of teaching the readers life is hard to understand and pushing

for somebody you love, a great outcome may come out of it. (Something good will always come

out of something bad). The book appealed to me in an emotional way, mostly because as a teen I

am going through harsh struggles in life and his struggles helped me understand everyone has

their own emotional battles (all at different levels).

Favorite quote: “Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It Merely asks us to be brilliant on

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