
Book Report On Henrietta Lacks

Decent Essays


The book is about a young woman that has cervical cancer. Henrietta Lacks goes to the doctor and begins taking treatments for her cancer. She was 31 years old and had five children. The doctor cut out some cells from her cancer during her first treatment. The doctor did not notify Henrietta of this being done. The cells were put in test tubes and began growing in the laboratory. Henrietta's cells were the first immortal human cells in the world. Rebecca Skloot learned about Henrietta Lacks while she was in a biology class at the community college she was attending. She became fascinated with Henrietta and began trying to learn more about her. The contents in the book are a lot like what we have been learning in class. We have …show more content…

Day thought that Skloot had the cells so he told her to back off. He doesn't want to talk about it anymore. It took Skloot a while to gain the family's trust. She later found out that the only time a white person called the house was when they wanted to know something about the HeLa cells. The family feels like they have been cheated out of their moms cells because so many people have made so much money from them. Skloot learns more about how the family feels. They feel like the journalist and researchers have invaded the family's …show more content…

We have learned about cells in class. We have learned about the functions, the structures, and what the cells do for your body at school. The book shows the great heart of a woman that just learned about this woman in a biology class at the community college she was attending and decided to find more research about her. Just because she was curious about the subject. She went out of her way to help the family of a woman that had cancer. Henrietta's cells have helped millions of people around the world. Henrietta Lack's helped to widen the range of research about cells, scientific examinations, and the use of medicine. HeLa cells have changed the medical field forever. It shows you how people took advantage of people just because of the race of the person. This book shows a more in depth vision of what we have been learning in the past semester about cells. Its an example of what cells could do. The family didn't care about the money they just cared about the journalists and scientists invading their privacy. The doctors shouldn't have stolen cells from Henrietta Lacks' tumor without her or her families permission. While her disease was a tragedy for her family it was a miracle to the rest of the world. The polio vaccine, chemotherapy, cloning, gene mapping, and IVF owe everything to the life , and death of a young

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