
Book Report On Trillium

Decent Essays

Chapter 1
I don’t understand why we had to move to a random small town in Nappanee, Ontario and I thought it was ridiculous we had moved to a different country as well. I don’t want to be at a faraway place away from what little friends I have. She said it was a “new start” I’ve heard that one a million times.
I live with my Aunt Melinda; I’ve been with her for four months now. She adopted me after she figured out what my father did to me. Those were the worst days, recovering from the hell. Realizing I couldn’t go around the pain; I had to go through it. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved I got to be away from him. I get so mad at myself for taking out my pain on my aunt. I still have my moments, but I’ve gotten better. …show more content…

Like Claire’s daughter, Emily, she goes to the same school as you. When Christmas break is over, you can have someone there to help you get around.” I’ve never liked parties and I don’t understand why Melinda agreed to go, but I’ve already told myself I’m done complaining. “Yeah, again I’m sorry. I just needed a little time to...”
“I know sweetheart. You don’t have to talk about it with me if you don’t want to. I wish I could have gotten to you from the beginning, before this whole mess happened with your father. I do want you to know that even though Arena left, your mother never wanted to hurt you. She loved you very much.”
What was that about? I don’t know anything about my mother, other than she left me with a bitter father, and died from some rare disease. Aunt Melinda never spoke about her, and I would rather she didn’t. “Where did that come from? It was a long time ago, I don’t even remember her.” She dropped the subject.
We didn’t speak for the remainder of the ride. When we got there, I thought there house would be more of a modern-day mansion, but it wasn’t as pretentious looking as I thought it would be. When we walked up the steps, I got a closer view of the house; it was beautiful. The house was made of bricks with ivy growing on the side. It looked old, like 1800’s old. It was two stories high, with two windows on each

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