
Book Report: The Mischievous Monkey Mishap

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The Mischievous Monkey Mishap By: Lucy Vanderbeck and Anna Marie Switzer High in the treetops, in a forest long ago, Markus the young boy lay asleep. He had abnormally large ears and he loved to eat bananas. Markus spent many hours climbing the large trees, and his favorite thing to do was hang upside down. Soon, Markus woke up. The sunlight shined through the leaves as he perched in the trees, enjoying a banana snack. As he was munching, a very muscular man called him down. “Hey! Young boy in the trees!” Markus was amazed. No one ever noticed, much less acknowledged him. Markus flipped out of the trees as acrobatically as a gymnast. When he landed, the handsome man began to speak. “I have been watching you carefully, and I have decided …show more content…

The man stared at Markus with piercing gold eyes. “Because I am Apollo, the god of the sun! How dare you even think to disobey me?” Markus had heard of Apollo, and was very frightened. He was a son of Zeus and could hurt Markus greatly. “I will do it!” Markus rushed to the the tree trunk and began to climb faster and stealthier than he had ever climbed before. Soon he reached the limb hanging over the young maiden. Markus began having second thoughts. Why would such a powerful god have an insignificant boy like me do an unusual task like this? He thought. He glanced back at Apollo for reassurance, and caught a glimpse of the god’s golden eye. Suddenly, all Markus’ doubts were lost as he flipped down from the tree screaming at the top of his lungs, with his arms dangling leaving only his legs for support. “AHHHHHH,” The stunning woman screeched at the top of her lungs. Markus dropped down from the tree, laughing so hard tears rolled down his face. Apollo’s roar of laughter could be heard throughout the forest. “I apologize ma’am, Apollo made me.” “That’s no excuse.” The lady answered. Markus shamefully looked up at the lady. Her face was beat red and her eyes squinted in fury. “How dare you disrespect the goddess of beauty! How dare you frighten Aphrodite!” She screamed in his

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