
Essay about Book Report on the Perfect Storm

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Book Report on The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger

The fishing port of Gloucester, Massachusetts, just north of Boston, is one of the oldest fishing ports in the United States and can trace its history to around 1623. Since that time, around ten thousand men have lost their lives fishing the Atlantic Ocean. Not only did the fishing port feel the full brunt of the storm but that fateful day in October 1991 was to add another six men to that tally when the fishing boat Andrea Gail was caught in the full fury of the storm out on the fishing grounds, heading back to port with a hold full of swordfish. The Perfect Storm is the story of that fateful trip of October 1991 when the Andrea Gail headed out to sea for one last shot at a major …show more content…

The environment influences the characters quite a bit. Everybody in that community does something that involves the fish industry or supplying alcohol for the fishermen. The lifestyles of the people are basically fish for a month out on the open sea, come home for a week, get a drunk as you can, give your wife and family all the money made and not spent on alcohol, and then leave to fish for another month or two. The main characters in the story are all crew members of the same fishing skipper so they act just as one would expect crew members to act towards one another. The availability of food and water are very good. The story takes place on the coast so obviously there is a lot of water and the entire story is based around fishing to supply the food industry with swordfish. Fishing for swordfish is very profitable so all of these crew members are well to do.
The characters are involved in travel for work. They travel up and down the coast in pursuit of swordfish. Therefore the goods that are being sold and traded are the swordfish. These swordfish are coming from the Atlantic Ocean to be sent to be served in sea food restaurants. The cause for the movement is the need of a job and money and food.
The physical region described in this story would basically be the coastal region. The part played by this region is basically the location of a job and

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