
Book Review: My Brother Sam Is Dead

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The book My Brother Sam is Dead is written by the Collier brothers. It takes place during the American Revolutionary War. Tim Meeker is the protagonist and narrator of the story. Tim has an older brother named Sam Meeker, a father named Eliphalet(or Life)Meeker, and a mother named Susannah Meeker. When Sam comes back home from college to Redding, Connecticut. Sam says that he is a Patriot, and Father gets very mad. Father gets mad at Sam because Father is a Loyalist, and feels betrayed that Sam is a Patriot. Father was so angry, he kicked Sam out of the house. He did this by saying, “Go, Sam. Go. Get out of my sight. I can’t bare to look at you in that vile costume. Get out. And don’t come back until you come dressed as my son, not a stranger.”(pg.22) When Father says, “...don’t come back until you come dressed as my son, not a stranger.” I think it means that Father feels like Sam would never disagree with him about something like this, and so he feels betrayed. This is an example of how war is impacting Tim’s family. Tim’s family is now split into Patriots and Loyalists. …show more content…

One individual war impacted was Tim. Tim is being pressured by his Father to join the Loyalists, and is also being pressured by his brother to join the Patriots. Not only that, but Tim has seen both the Loyalists and Patriots do pretty bad things. The Patriots assaulted Tim and his Father, and the Loyalists captured a young boy and killed Ned. Tim has also seen both sides be heroic. However, in the book, Tim never chose a side. He tried to stay out of the war, and spoke about how it didn’t affect him. This could mean that Tim is against war. But Tim was still torn-everyone was telling him to join a side, but he didn’t want to go against his Father or Sam. An example of when Tim was pressured to join a side was when his cousin asked him what side he would join. He said, “‘The Loyalist, I guess.’ But in my head, I wasn’t sure about

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