
Booker T. Washington Was Born As A Slave In Virginia In

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Booker T. Washington was born as a slave in Virginia in 1856. Washington was raised in a poor household and he struggled to obtain an education. At the age of 16 Washington left home to attend the Hampton Normal Agricultural Institute in Virginia where he worked to support himself as a janitor until he received a scholarship. The headmaster mentored Washington while he attended school there and he graduated in 1875. In 1881, Alabama legislature allocated funds to create a school for African American students, Washington founded the college which is now known as Tuskegee University. Washington was an influential leader and white business and political leaders were reassured by his message that black people themselves were responsible for …show more content…

He spoke out against the teachings of Booker T. Washington.
Washington and Dubois both emerged as powerful leaders in black communities. Although they did not share the same philosophy’s they share the common goal to uplift the African American communities. Both worked tirelessly to advocate against lynching and mob violence. Both men were both key figures during the early 1900s and both encouraged progress within their communities.
Washington and Dubois were raised in two different settings. Washington a Southern slave and Dubois was raised in the North and free. Washington had to struggle to obtain his education where DuBois quickly obtained his from an early age. Washington believed that blacks should not disrupt the system. Washington’s teaching was not threatening, which he gained support from northern and southern whites. He believed economic acceptance would lead to political and social acceptance . Dubois, on the other hand, was more outspoken, he felt that blacks deserved the same rights as whites. Dubois believed education would confront racial problems, and it would create wise men . Furthermore, he believed that 10% of the African American population needed to be the best educated to promote progress and advancement. DuBois criticized Washington for failing to stand up for political and civil rights and higher education for black Americans . Ultimately both believed in their cause and both were influential leaders during a time that needed strong leaders

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