
Borderline Personality Disorder ( Bpd )

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Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex and serious mental disorder involving the inability to manage emotions effectively and exhibiting maladaptive behaviors characterized by unstable moods and relationships (NIMH, 2013). Individuals with BPD are very sensitive to environmental circumstances and the perception of rejection and separation (DSM-5, 2013). These individuals may exhibit excessive fears of abandonment and inappropriate anger when facing separation or when changes occur in a relationship. A main character of BPD is emotional and behavioral dysregulation. These traits can include angry outburst, hostility, aggression, and uncontrollable impulsiveness. These individuals may fail to reflect carefully on their behaviors, which can lead to self-destructiveness and risk taking behaviors. For the individual with BPD, these behaviors are difficult to control and can be harmful (NIMH, 2013). The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5 defines BPD as “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts”. In order to meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for BPD, five or more of the following behaviors associated must be presented beginning by early adulthood, which may include but are not limited to: frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, a pattern of unstable and intense

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