
Borders Are The Worst Invention Ever Made By Politicians Essay

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The Problem
“Borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians,” Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president stated this while reflecting on globalization’s failed promise of borderless nations, and the creation of borders more rigid than ever (2016). Across the world, wall building has become the common political strategy used by nations who deem physical barriers as the only way to deal with difficult neighboring nations. The increasing fortification of borders as not just a political line, but as an established physical barrier, responds to the security and migration issues at a global level. Border walls are used for varying purposes, walls can separate opposing forces; often, they are used to make territorial claims; however the more problematic use, is the keep out unwanted groups.

When the Berlin Wall fell nearly three decades ago, there were 16 border walls in the world; today the number is ever growing with over 70 completed border walls globally (Brunet-Jailly, 2016). Experts agree that walls do not address the root problems of security and migration, supported by the fact that global refugee applications and terrorist attacks have increased tremendously even though countries have walled themselves off; which leaves unanswered questions as to the real reason walls are still being built. Although building a wall has become a common political strategy in response to global concerns of security and migration, nations should consider the reasoning

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