
Born Into Slavery, But He Came Out A Scholar. Booker T.

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Born into slavery, but he came out a scholar. Booker T. Washington, a leader in the black community as the United States progressed towards equality for all after the Civil War. He may have started as a slave who had nothing but the clothes on his back, but through his desires and ambitions, he was able to achieve great success. He strove to improve the relationships between the Whites and African Americans for the future. Washington advocated patience and hard work towards a common goal of equality, only then will everyone get what they want. As a child, Washington had no idea when he was born nor how old he was. He lived in Hale’s Ford on a plantation with his mother and siblings in a cabin. Even though he was young during the time he …show more content…

Washington knew very well that he was a slave and that meant he had no freedom, but now that the Civil War had liberated them he had many perspectives and opinions on slavery and how it affected everyone. He noticed that the whites became too dependent on the labor of slaves on their plantation, without them they would be hopeless. Slavery was a critical part in the south because the white owners depended on them for their agricultural services. Soon after Washington and his family moved to West Virginia to live with their stepfather. In West Virginia Washington worked in a coal mine with harsh hours and cruel working conditions, he was not able to go to school because his stepfather favored him working and earning money to help support the family. Washington was adamant about getting an education, but with his work schedule he had no time during the day to attend school, so he persuaded his instructor to tutor him at night. Later his stepfather agreed to allow him to attend day school as long as he worked before and after. To avoid being late to school every day he changed the hands on the clock in the office to guarantee he would be on time. Unfortunately, Washington only attended the day school for only a short period of time. He mostly studied during the night, but he did not give up on his goal of receiving an education. Hampton Normal and

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