
How Does Bosnian Culture Continue With Mental Illness?

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This culture reacts to sickness differently than other cultures. It is traditional to have a long list of natural remedies and herbs that can cure illness versus going to the doctor and taking medications. They believe there are specific causes that lead to catching certain illnesses such as if you sit on the cold concrete as a woman, it will freeze your ovaries, and that will result in infertility (Wells 2014). Patients can be fearful of being diagnosed with a disease and problems associated with their health, so the doctor needs to be very intuitive, and answer all the questions they may have regarding any tests or procedures that may need to take place. Generally, Bosnians do not believe in therapy, group counseling, or other alternative forms of healing. …show more content…

However, unlike the stigma that American’s have with mental illness, Bosnians do not hold it against their fellow people as something to be ashamed of. In fact, it can be perceived as a sign of strength, as Bosnians believe it is important to show your emotions openly (Sujoldzic et al 2006). As of 2016 the leading cause of death among Bosnians was ischemic heart attacks. This was followed by cerebrovascular disease and diabetes. At the very bottom of the list for deaths of Bosnians was stomach cancer. The only difference between the most deaths versus the most premature deaths is that at the bottom of the most premature deaths was self-harm which was 3.7 percent (Bosnia and Herzegovina n.d.). Interestingly, the number one ranking for death and disability combined among Bosnians is high blood pressure. Since 2005 high blood pressure has been the leading cause of disability, followed by modifiable behavior risks such as tobacco use, alcohol and drug use, and dietary risks (Bosnia and Herzegovina n.d.). For a country who generally eats very healthy it was shocking to see dietary risks as a main cause for

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