
Bottled Water Vs Tap Water Essay

Decent Essays

In my English comp class, we did an experiment. Our teacher gave us a water tasting test, and we had to guess between bottled and tap water. Many were shocked at the fact that they could not tell the difference, and many were shocked at the results. This showed the class that there is no difference in taste between bottled and tap water. Many people prefer bottled water over tap water, and they should. Bottled water has gone green, it's easy for on the go, and lastly, it’s a smarter choice for health reasons. Bottled water has evolved into becoming green over the past few years. A lot of brands use way less plastic for their bottle and have created eco-friendly packaging. According to waste aware, bottled water is the most environmentally responsible packaged drink choice. Even if the bottles were not eco-friendly, it is our duty as a human to make the world eco-friendlier and recycle. Bottled water is greener than most tap water systems. Most people today, have very busy schedules. we do not have time in our day to stand and wait for a tap water system to pour our water in our cups for us. However, we do have time to grab a water bottle and go. Especially if anyone has kids they would agree that …show more content…

A lot of tap water has a bunch of iron in it. According to "thoughtco", tap water in 42 states is contaminated. The public water has chemicals in it that are very harmful. Once tap water is contaminated, it takes a while to get out of systems, rather than just taking the bottled water brand that is contaminated off the shelves. Since there are so many brands of bottled water, when one is not safe to drink, there are so many more options whereas, tap water is one system so you do not have any more options but the bottled water. Since bottled water is many different companies, it is required that the water is checked every so often. Whereas, tap water is not required to be checked as

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