
Bourdieu Marx And Durkheim, Political Economy With Cultural Studies Essay

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Bourdieu connects Marx with Durkheim, political economy with cultural studies. He distinguishes cultural production from other economic manufactory field using the interlocking conceptual tools of field, habitus and capital. The conceptual categories Bourdieu brought to cultural analysis have since shaped the study of what I find valuable to my analysis. Bourdieu described media, art, academic settings, and various areas of intellectual production, as fields that appear to be autonomous. However, he showed that this autonomy was only apparent and would change according to the expansion or regulation of capital and that it had its own internal relations which were economic in nature. Bourdieu integrates the three concepts of field, habitus and cultural capital into a system analysis on cultural production. He summarizes this relation using the following equation: [(habitus)(capital)] + field = practice. It means that practice results from relations between one’s dispositions (habitus) and one’s position in a field (capital), within the current state of the social arena (field) (Bourdieu, 1986, p101). Therefore, in order to study the practices of cultural workers, we need to first know field, habitus, and capital. 1) A field is not a concrete place, but rather a social-spatial arena and a relationship that is always being negotiated. It is a system of social positions where agents are located. Fields interact with each other, but most are subordinate to the larger field

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