
Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment Essay

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When it was time, our precious baby boy was born and we decided to name him Noah. Noah as a newborn was fussy and often wanted to be held. Breastfeeding time seemed to be the perfect soothing method. I enjoyed breastfeeding because it builds up his immune system. When Noah was 3 months old there was not much attachment present, however he would smile at familiar people and toys, and was able to laugh at surprising or funny things indicating that he was comfortable with new situations and was developing awareness of his surroundings. Later on Noah recognized me as his primary caregiver because I was the one always tending to his needs. When he was upset, anxious, or troubled he preferred me over anyone else. According to Bowlby’s theory of attachment “The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world”. The type of attachment that Noah had with me at the time was what Bowlby considered to be an emotional one. It was through an emotional bond that I made Noah feel protected when he was most vulnerable. As a result, Noah was more attached to me than he was to my husband. As time transcurred, he was able to bond to my husband by spending more quality time together.

At 8 months, the physician performed a routine physical exam. He stated that Noah was advanced in his gross and fine motor skills. Noah enjoyed crawling, pulling himself up to stand and manipulating objects. According to

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