
Boy Girl Wall Analysis

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Boy Girl Wall is a play written and produced by Australia’s own Matthew Ryan and Lucas Stibbard. This award winning production takes the audience on a journey in 3 main characters’ lives, a boy Thom, a girl Alethea, and a wall, as well as multiple thinking and speaking inanimate characters. It shows their every day journey; struggles, complications and resolutions until they eventually meet each other but, “Boy Girl Wall is not a love story, but a story about love. But not in the romantic huggy smoochie sense – instead, it is the love of staying true to your dreams.” (Gross, 2017)

Peter Brook, a renowned director born in 1925 who has overseen numerous productions says; “I can take an empty space and call it a bare stage. A man walks across this empty space whilst someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of theatre to be engaged.” This production takes aspects from Brook’s ideology as well as Grotowski as it covers their teachings in addition to aspects of Absurdism and Brecht. The above quote said by Brook agrees with the production of Boy Girl Wall by the Escapists as they transform a “bare stage” by a man walking across it and creating an entertaining piece of theatre with a simple piece of chalk and his physicality.

Space to stage:
This quote from Brook sums up the production of Boy Girl Wall by the Escapists as actor, Lucas Stibbard took an empty space such as the black boxed room and called it a bare stage. It used a conventional,

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