
Brandi Whitfield Psychology

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Mrs. Brandi Whitfield, is a 37-year-old African American female, who is currently widowed. She was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder at the age 22. She states that she is suffering from depression because she does not like to be by herself, but also does not like to be in a group of people either. When Darnell left Mrs. Whitefield, she started to inflict harm to herself. She would use an orange to bruise her face, slam her arms in the doors, and cause pain to her torso area. A little history about Mrs. Whitfield: her mother is in jail for killing her father. She was 8 years old when she witnessed it. She was put into a foster home until she aged out. She started seeing a psychiatrist at the age of twelve, who diagnosed her with …show more content…

Even though we think of it as men hurting women, there are times where it is women hurting men. As we saw in the movie, thin line between love in hate, Brandi had caused harm to Darnell because he chose to go back to his high school sweetheart. Let us say that you and your spouse were in a heated argument. You are going back and forth saying some things that you know would hurt their feelings or you are bringing up things that they have told you about in their past. Would you consider this DV? Often, people are just thinking that you are saying it because you were mad, but in fact, you are hurting that person mentally. When children witness domestic violence between their parents or the ones that are currently taking care of them, they often tend to pick up those behaviors because that is what they are accustomed too. According to Flanery, R (1992) if someone witnesses an event due to domestic violence that even can be overwhelming. But if it is untreated it can more than likely turn into Post traumatic stress disorder …show more content…

N., Tomsich, E., Gover, A. R., & Jennings, W. G. (2016)). As Mrs. Whitfield was going through college she would have various flash backs of her childhood. 25% of women and 15% of men have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) before the age of 25. It was often said that college students who have been involved in DV struggles academically, transfer institutions, or just drop out completely. Mrs. Whitfield would be labeled as a victim-offender because she was once a victim and now she is the offender. “Research on the victim-offender overlap observes this trend across delinquency, property crimes, and violent offenses, with the relationship between victimization and offending being strongest for violent crimes, particularly homicide” (Jennings et al., 2012). This would explain why Mrs. Whitfield had expressed that she killed her ex-husband because she caught him cheating and it was with a white woman. She witnessed her mother killing her father because he had cheated on her with a colleague. It has been shown in a study that females were offending equal to or greater than males. Physical maltreatment increases the risk for violence later on in life. Children who have witness and/or experienced the direct benefits of

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