
Brandy: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

Decent Essays

I was born the 2nd of March in 1997. My parents were Dawn and Robert Stark. I was born in Canton, Ohio. When I was over a year old my brother, Michael, was born. I went to school at Lake Cable Elementary School up until third grade and then we moved a few miles away. I then transferred to Sauder Elementary School. When elementary school was completed, my grandparents took me on a fifth grade trip to the Keys where I swam with dolphins. At the start of sixth grade, I went to Jackson Memorial Middle School and I stayed there until I finished eighth grade. At this time, I became an Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian which means that I eat eggs and diary, but I don’t eat any meat, chicken or shellfish. At the end of my middle school career, I chose to transfer …show more content…

My first dog was a German Shepard/Chow named Brandy. My parents adopted her before I was born so she wasn’t really mine. She was more of the family’s dog. My family then adopted Holly, a Chocolate Lab/German pointer. She was a Christmas present for my brother and I. Near the end of middle school, we had to put Brandy down. She was eighteen years old and had lived a good, long life. A little while after Brandy passed, we adopted Ivy, a Black Lab/German Shepard. Right before I came to college, I also adopted another dog, Iris, a Lab/Shepard mix from a rescue. My past experience with dogs has led to a life-long love of animals which helped contributed to my becoming a …show more content…

College ensures that I can enter the work force competitively and my undergraduate work can potentially then be used as a stepping stone to get a higher degree. College is a means to an end to ensure I get a well-paying job that I can advance in. I came to college to make sure I could get a job and earn a living. College means more work and work that is more difficult to complete. College means getting new opportunities to grow and learn and discover new things about yourself. College means gaining new skills and learning new things. I want to get a degree out of my college experience. I want to come out of my college experience not regretting going to college. I would like to actually be able to use my degree in my

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