
What Makes A College Degree?

Decent Essays

What motivates me most is my daughter Sophia, a better job/career and better finances for myself to pursue a college degree. As a result, of me acquiring a college degree could inspire Sophia to go to a college and/or trade school. Right now my job is a cashier yet I want to pursue higher income jobs/careers that could benefit me in the long run with a retirement plan. Finally, better finance can help me pay off my college loans. What main purpose for me to seek a college degree is to make more money, more opportunities, strong sense of pride within myself and become better educated. 27 years I have always make minimum wage consequently, that’s not enough to take care of a infant nor my personal bills. So by me seeking a college degree I can be making figure range from several thousands to millions of dollars. A college degree can bring increased opportunities such as job openings, more chances for promotions and more flexibilities. A high school diploma is not enough nor give me a sense of pride when my friends and family further their education. I want that sense pride for myself to say, “I’m Human Resource Manager with a Bachelor Degree Of Arts from Ashford University.”Lastly, becoming better educated give myself empowerment to be more in control of day to day activities, knowledge and understanding. The values I’m demonstrating by seeking my college degree is a boost of self esteem, higher job satisfaction, and passing on a legacy. There’s an sense of confidence when

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