
Brave New World Exploration And Extension

Good Essays

Danielle Newman
Camille Hensley
Coach Hansen
British Literature
August 7, 2015
Brave New World Exploration and Extension

Aldous Huxley was born in Surrey, England on July 26, 1894. He came from a family already intertwined with a love of writing and philosophy. His grandfather was already credited with introducing Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to the public. Huxley’s mother was the niece of Matthew Arnold, a poet who focused on commonly debated moral themes in his works. Needless to say, Huxley’s family inspired him to write on these topics and had a significant impact on his dreams, opinions, and imagination. A major part of Huxley’s education were visits to Lady Ottoline Morell’s meetings, attended by several famous political figures, artists, scientists. Here he met some of the 19th century’s most impactful literary figures, which also influenced his writings. As for cultural legacy, Huxley was very respected during the time he was alive and after he passed, and he was known as a “new-age” thinker . With a total of 47 books written, Huxley was well known by many and changed the way people looked at the world around them. Unfortunately, he died on the same day as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, so the event was overlooked.

The Model-T in Brave New World is an allusion to the first American car model. Many of the ideas in the book are based off of the formation of new technology. The Model-T was was a significant part in the technology industry and helped

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