
Bravery In Odysseus Of Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

Bravery is one of the most important and recognizable qualities in a hero, and Odysseus was very brave. When his army was turned into animals by Circe, he risked his life climbing up a mountain to save the men. In addition, he ate a poisonous plant that Hermes, the messenger of the gods, offered to him for his protection. He accepted the offer, skeptical and afraid of what would happen if he did not take the plant. Once Odysseus got Circe to turn his crew back to humans after a year of supplicating, he leaves to the Underworld to find a way home. This is also very brave of Odysseus, because traveling to the underworld meant certain death. When he arrives, he sacrifices a lamb to a blind prophet, Tiresias, and he tells Odysseus how to get home.

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