
Breakfast At Tiffany 's By Holly Golightly

Satisfactory Essays

In the final moments of the film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Holly Golightly asserts that she will not let anyone put her in a cage and that she belongs to nobody. Yet after tossing her beloved feline friend down a New York alleyway and having her dreamy love interest, Paul, give up his pursuit of her, she inconsistently turns on her philosophy, chases after the cat and Paul, and the film closes with cliché and passionate canoodling in the rain. (Edwards) All is happily ever after. The end. Because the only way a woman can ever truly find happily ever after is with a man, right? The film and the novella are certainly able to have their creative differences, but the film dramatically altered the underlying message and contributed negatively to the conversation on woman’s roles. The director and screenwriter discounted the progress and power of women in this era by instead opting for a purified leading woman and a man that rescues her from her feminist senselessness. The film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, trades Truman Capote’s vision with society’s vision for Holly Golightly to be more palatable to a fragile audience in the midst of a shifting society. The liberation movement marked the 1960’s with more women flooding a male-dominated workforce and the sexual revolution was made possible with the release of the birth control pill. Women felt that it was their right to discover other outlets of expression than “finding a husband and bearing children” ("Decades of Change-

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