
Breast Cancer Informative Speech

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They are everywhere you look, pink ribbons. Every cancer seems to have its own color ribbon and ever disease that is unbeknown to man has its own color ribbon. Sometimes, the thought occurs to me that sometimes it raises more of a fashion statement then awareness. The ribbon I would like to discuss today is the pink one. I think it’s safe to say that everyone already knows what type of cancer the pink one represents; breast cancer. The intent of this literature is to peel back the layers of fads and pretty pink ribbons and expose breast cancer for just what it is. An ugly, sometimes deadly cancer that affects women everywhere with no discriminations.
Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for up to 70 percent or more of invasive breast cancer. …show more content…

There are symptoms in your body that you can look for to raise awareness for IDC. Typically, as women we think that the very first and possibly only sign of breast cancer is a lump or knot in the breast. There could also be a mass in the tissue of the breast. Yes, these could be symptoms and should most defiantly be addressed by a physician they are not the only symptoms and signs that you should look for. There could be a thickening of the breast or any changes in your breasts or nipples. Upon any signs or symptoms in which you may suspect an abnormalities in your breast, then, it is time to see a Dr and possibly schedule a mammogram. Once a woman reaches the age of forty it is recommended to have a mammogram. However, it is never too early to be tested. Earlier diagnosis means early treatment.
Diagnoses can be made in so many different ways other than a mammogram as well. There are several routes that can be taken. Following is ways to make a diagnosis that differ from the obvious mammogram: MRI, PET scan, CT scan, biopsy, bone scan, ultrasound, lab tests, miraluma breast imaging and metastatic cancer detection. Some may seem more invasive of a diagnosis as others. Diagnosis is the first step with coming up with a plan.
As there is an array of diagnoses there are also numerous treatment options available for IDC. Immuotherapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and surgery all

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