
Breast Magmentation Essay

Decent Essays

What Patients Should Expect on the Day of Their Breast Augmentation

On the day of surgery, patients should arrive at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery Center with their licensed driver.


All patients receive medications prior to their procedure. These medications are designed to keep the patient comfortable throughout her breast augmentation procedure. Medication options include general anesthesia and IV sedation, both of which are administered by a licensed anesthesiologist. With general anesthesia, patients go into a deep sleep; whereas, with IV sedation, patients are placed in a twilight-type sleep. This twilight sleep can be reversed quickly once the procedure is complete.

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Recovering from Breast Implant Surgery in Miami

On occasion, Dr. G will keep a patient overnight. However, Dr. Gershenbaum usually releases his patients to their driver several hours after their breast implant surgery.

Proper After-Care is Essential

Prior to being released to go home, patients receive instructions related to caring for their incisions and drains (when applicable). All the information included in their after-care instructions is designed to help patients avoid complications and monitor their healing. Keeping follow-up appointments with Dr. G at his surgery center in Miami is essential. At these follow-up appointments, Dr. Gershenbaum will remove the patient’s bandages, support bra and drains. He will also remove the sutures and examine her incisions.

At-Home Recovery

After leaving Dr. G's Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, patients need to head home and rest for approximately 48 hours. Patients should expect to experience a feeling of constant pressure in the breast area. To remain comfortable during this initial phase of recovery, patients should take their medications as prescribed. Most patients can discontinue their pain medications within 2 to 3 days of their procedure. At this point, the majority of these patients can resume some light

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