
Breast Segmentation Research Paper

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Understanding The Art Of Breast Augmentation With The Top Breast Augmentation Surgeons

For many women, breast size, shape and proportion play an important role in self-perception and confidence. Perhaps that’s the reason why breast augmentations are amongst the most requested cosmetic surgical procedures. In fact, according to the top breast augmentation surgeons, breast implants are an appropriate treatment for a number of breast concerns including asymmetry, reconstruction procedures following breast cancer surgery, and breast deflation following pregnancy and significant weight loss.

Then, of course, some people just want to have larger breasts because let’s face it: Larger and fuller breasts are more attractive and you may wish to improve your physical beauty …show more content…

Choosing the correct breast implants, which come in a variety of size, shape, profile and texture.

Before getting breast surgery, there are also some other things that you need to think about. For example,

1. Your first breast surgery will probably not be your last. Breasts implants do not last forever.

2. According to 2013 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a boob job costs around $3,600.

3. For best breast augmentation results, set realistic goals. For instance, you can’t go from a small A cup to a DD cup in one procedure. Your body and skin will need time to adjust.

4. And finally, breast augmentations are not recommended for people with a strong family history of breast cancer. The surgical procedure can also cause loss of sensation in the nipples and could, in the future, affect your ability to breastfeed.

Clearly, breast augmentation is a huge decision. When done right, it is an empowering way for you to feel more confident about your body. Take Angelina Jolie for instance or Katy Perry. These are women loving life after getting breast implants. So if you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, transform your body and be the best “you” that you can possibly

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