
Brent Staple A's: A Martyr Of Esurient Colleges

Decent Essays

A's: A Martyr Of Esurient Colleges The nature of the college grading system is open to haggling, or at least that’s what Brent Staples proved. As writer of “Why Colleges Shower Their Students with A’s,” Brent Staples attempted to shed light on how this is affecting many facets of our lives and no doubt, colleges themselves: “Faced with demanding consumers and stiff competition, colleges have simply issued more and more A’s, stoking grade inflation and devaluing degrees.” (Brent, S. 1998) With colleges turning into proverbial fast food restaurants, some students are wanting more for less, showing how low some universities are willing to go for a quick buck.
For profit schools such as the University of Phoenix are detriments to students views,

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