
Bret Anthony Johnston, Anne Lamott, And Stephen King

Decent Essays

To write well, a person must be disciplined. Several writers including Bret Anthony Johnston, Anne Lamott, and Stephen King all agree on this. A person must be able to sit down and put their thoughts on paper. Johnston writes in his introduction to Naming the World that, "What I believe in, as a writer and a teacher, is a dedication. And stubbornness. And discipline. Being a writer is, in the fullest sense of the word, a vocation" (xv). Johnston writes word for word that writing requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. He is correct when he says that. Almost anyone who's written anything can attest to that. Lamott also writes about the hard work and discipline good writing in Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. She writes, …show more content…

She also talks about when she used to write food reviews for California magazine. During this time she explains the discipline she used to write. She explains her struggles for writing a review every month. Lamott writes about how she would make herself sit at her desk every Monday to write her "shitty first draft". Because she used that discipline, she ended up with great writing. She dedicated that time to just writing, no matter how bad the writing was. Lamott tells the readers what she thinks is the best way to start writing, "Just get it all down on paper, because there may be something great in those six crazy pages that you would have never gotten to by more rational, grown-up means" (23). This showcases the discipline a writer must use to at least put something down on paper. What the person writes during this stage could be absolute garbage, but they wrote something and there might be something useful in it. This is a good discipline exercise for novices or experts. These writers write to both. At the beginning of Johnston's introduction, he mostly writes to beginners. He writes, "Truth be told, I'm not at all sure that writing can be

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