
Brieanna Frasco: Why People Seek Beauty?

Satisfactory Essays

Brieanna Frasco One Love: Language and Learning Topic: Why do most humans seek beauty? There are many different ways to define beauty. If you look up the term beauty in the dictionary then you will get a definition that states;the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest). Everyone has their own opinion of what is beautiful, in my opinion if you look at something and you want to take the time out to stop and stare at it appreciate it then yes you would think that particular thing is beautiful. …show more content…

Upper-class people seem to have everything that they need, and if they don't then will go out and buy it. With this being said an upperclassmen might consider shopping or new things beautiful, or going to a high class museum and buying a very expensive fine piece of art to hang to up in there multimillion dollar homes. Another thing that upper class society people might find beautiful is going to a paradise island and vacationing there. A middle class person on the other hand may find something like a safe neighborhood, or good health insurance beautiful. Middle class people are considered having enough money to be comfortable. So if you were middle class then you might not have all the money in the world to spend on the "finer" things. Depending on the money they have the might consider going to the zoo beautiful, or a cook out at the beach. Then there is the lower class, lower class people probably have a whole different opinion on what may be consider beautiful. For example a lower class person might consider a pair of shoes from a friend a beautiful gift. A new job could be considered beautiful, then they know that they will be getting income and won't have to worry about money issues that much. I new home to live in is beautiful or even getting a good dinner one night to fill their

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