
Brief History of Ethiopia

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“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” -Haile Selassie The name "Ethiopia" derives from the Greek word ethio, meaning "burned" and pia, meaning "face": the land of burned-faced peoples or in some points also means “something divided”. Ethiopia also known as (Abyssinia) is the tenth largest country in Africa, covering 439,580 square miles almost twice the size of Texas. Addis Ababa is the third-highest capital city in the world. The country boasts a massive population as one of the densest landlocked countries in the world with roughly …show more content…

This can be seen particularly true in urban areas where women are beginning to take a major role in all areas of employment and men are beginning to take a greater role in domestic life. The Ethiopian traditional costume is made of woven cotton. Ethiopian men and women wear this traditional costume called gabbi or Netella. Women often wear dresses (Kemis) and netella with borders of colored embroidered woven crosses, but other designs are also used. Other ethnic groups and tribes in the south and west of the country wear different costumes that reflect their own traditions. Some tribes partially cover their body with leather but others do not wear any clothes at all, merely decorating their faces and bodies with distinctive images. As far as nation cuisine goes one of the more known Ethiopian national dishes is called wat. It is a hot spicy stew accompanied by injera (traditional large spongy pancake made of teff flour and water). Teff is unique to the country and is grown on the Ethiopian highlands. There are many varieties of wat, e.g. chicken, beef, lamb, vegetables, lentils, and ground split peas stewed with hot spice called Berbere. It’s made of dried red hot pepper, herbs, spices, dried onions, dried garlic and salt ingredients. Wat is served by placing it on top of the injera, which is served in a mesob (large basket tray). The food is eaten with fingers by tearing off a piece of injera and

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