
Brief Summary And Analysis Of '20-20/20' By Linda Baker

Decent Essays

20/20 by Linda Brewer is told on a road trip going through Indiana.They story begins in the middle of everything.The readers get little to none information about the characters,or where the two are heading or how they met each other,and the reason being is because it is not important to the author.Linda Brewer the author wants the reader to use their own imagination to think up these ideas. There are only two characters in this story;Ruthie ,and Bill.They have complete opposite views of the world from one another.Ruthie is a lady with a large imagination creating things with her mind that aren’t really true to the human eye ,and sees beauty in everything Ruthie is like a child she lets her imagination run wild but lacks the ability to think like an adult.Meanwhile Bill a man from the east coast,and is more of a realistic type of person he sees the world how it truly is to a ordinary human being …show more content…

At a point in the story bill lets Ruthie drive so he can get some rest until she claims that she had spotted the legendary creature ‘Bigfoot” when it was actually two reflectors posted to a tree stump

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