
Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Bully' By Gary Paulsen

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The Bully
My book I chose is about a 15 year old boy named Darrell. He lived in Philadelphia all his live until his mom found a better job in California. He loved being in Philadelphia with his best friend Malik and when he found out he had to go he was devastated. Him and his mom had to go because after his father died in a car accident six years back it got hard on his mom. She had to find another job after a large insurance company bought out the agency where she worked and they eliminated her job and hundreds of others and the only jobs that were available were fast-food restaurants so she had to come up with something. Then a couple months later his uncle called and offered his mom a job that pays twice as much money that she’s making …show more content…

Darrell found it hard to believe because he was about 6 feet and muscular. Mr. Mitchell gave him a book called Hatchet by Gary Paulsen about a boy in a very dangerous situation and to survive he had to make himself stronger on the inside and out. Darrell thought how was the book gonna help him with Tyray because he wanted the answer to his problems not a book. Then Mr. Mitchell insisted that if he’s getting bullied or if kids are giving him a hard time he could always come to him for help, but Darrell denied it because he didn’t want anyone knowing he didn’t stand up for himself. So Darrell tried reading the book and it was about a boy who rode on a private plane to see his father, and Darrell thought he doesn’t have a father and only rich kids ride on private planes, but he gave it another try and continued to read. He then realized the pilot had a heart attack and died. The boy didn’t know how to fly a plane but he knew he had to crush the plane knowing he could die but he had no …show more content…

His uncle Jason said some hurtful comments without even knowing it. But on the other hand Darrell is kind of inspiring to his one friend that he do have, Harold. Harold heard about the match and thought about joining the wrestling team. Harold was the only kid that Darrell knew that would understand what he goes through. Less than two months ago darrell was a scared and lonely kid who wanted to run back to Philadelphia. Now he’s on the wrestling team and preparing to talk to a girl at a Friday dance. But each Friday he had to pay Tyray, then he realized things were going to remain the same until he confronted Tyray and stop paying him, and he knew that if the money would stop Tyray friends would come after him and he had nowhere to hide. Later at the dance Darrell and Harold was hoping that Amberlynn and Cindy was there because they were the only reasons that they came to the dance. Darrell looked for Amberlynn but couldn’t find her so he got soda and realized that was the first time in weeks his mom gave him money and he used it instead of giving it to Tyray. A little later Darrell had seen Amberlynn with Jamee and walked over and Jamee left for some punch and both Darrell and Amberlynn apologized to one another about what happen in english class and as a slow song played he asked her to dance thinking she would laugh when all along she was wanting the same the whole time. He finally saw Rodney and thought to himself if

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