
Teenage Bullies By Jenifer Goodwin Summary

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What is the most effective way to stop bullying? According to the article “ Teenage Bullies” by Jenifer Goodwin, the author discusses that the reason why teenage bullying others is because they want attentions to be more popular. First,the bullying level is also relate to the ability. Second, most of the teenage bullies are the popular kids but not the most popular kids. Third, the majority of kids did not bullying others. In addition, the author suggested that if we want to solve the bullying problems we should consider to encourage all the bystanders to speak up to stop bullying. Finally, the author also mentions other solution is the victims should know how to protect themselves. The article makes an important point when it discusses the popular kids’ intention of bullying, and the witnesses should help to stop bullying. First of all, teenages bullying others to get …show more content…

According to this article “ kids who were popular, but not the most popular, were most likely to bully others.” or “the top two percent perhaps because they no longer feel the need to put others down to improve their own status.” Basically this quote means that most of the popular kids are live under pressure of popularity. This is important is because we all have our own stereotype even without noticing. We might asking how is thinking teenage bullies are bad is stereotype? Well, as long as people read the question above you might seem where are the problems. Nevertheless, people all young once, and we all used to be a stupid. Sometimes people judging others without thinking, and that’s why people can easily make a mistake. On the top of that, teenage bullies are the same. They

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