
Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power.

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Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power. Susy Conner uses sex to gain power, Gary Fitzgerald uses power to gain sex and Brian Conner was too drunk to realise his abuse of both power and sexual harassment. All of these characters wanted something and they all thought they knew how to get it by using either sex or power, or a little of each. Susy has always relied on her looks and sex appeal to get her by and to gain power. She used her looks to get a job by wearing a low cut top and a short skirt to the interview for LifeChoice Options. "She came in with everything showing." (6) When Susy 's case wasn 't going so well because Katy had admitted to lying, Susy thought she …show more content…

With Brian, his sexual harassment towards Susy and Katy was more to do with sex on the surface with some underlying power factors deeper down. In his drunken state Brian couldn 't see that he was abusing the girls ' trust for him. "Dad, we trusted you. You were like God." (73) They thought that they were just playing a game of friendly netball until he started groping them. Brian also had economic power over Susy and Katy. They had no where else to go and were

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