
British Imperialism Research Paper

Decent Essays

Imperialism is the advocacy of power and domain by acquiring territory or gaining political and economic control of an area (“Imperialism”). British Imperialism was motivated by the nation’s success during Industrialization. The Industrial Revolution was a time period between 18th and 19th centuries where predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban (“Industrialization”). Industrialization sparked an urge in the British nation to modernize the non industrialized countries. Britain’s economy improved as a result of the industrialization so they started to accumulate feeling of racial superiority against the non industrialized countries. The British justified their racial superiority by using a changed …show more content…

British rule brought Western technologies to India that helped to improve medicine, transportation, warfare, and production of goods (“India”). The British government funded railroad projects that had lasting impacts in India. It provided a better way of transportation to the Indians but it benefitted the Britain more. The Britain was considered to have power over other colonies since it used it’s advanced technology to setup railroads and connected different parts of India (Fieldhouse). It not only made transportation convenient but also increased trade. Moreover, during the British rule canals in India were also remodeled and converted into perennial canals. These were followed by a large number of diversion works with extensive canal systems (“Irrigation Development in India During British Rule”). These irrigation canals built by the use of British’s advanced technological powers helped India in numerous ways. It helped irrigating the crops conveniently increasing the agricultural yield as well as it prevented droughts and floods. Along with this, the opening of Suez Canal joining the Red and Mediterranean Sea provided a better and faster route between both of …show more content…

Not only did the British rob the nation of their natural resources but shut down their self-owned business as well; thus, a monopoly was created by the British over all aspects of Indian production. They bought the Indian raw materials at low prices while the Indian weavers were forced to buy them back as finished goods at unreasonable prices. The British industrialized India to expand their own markets globally. The desire and need for cheap labor and a continuous supply of raw materials gave a reason to the Britain to imperialize India. India was extremely rich in raw materials: spices, textile, cotton and opium etc. It helped Britain cross-trade with other countries which resulted in a boost of the British economy. Therefore, India was referred to as the “Crown Jewel of the British

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