
Broken Arm Or Just A Muscle Torch Research Paper

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Broken Arm or Just a Muscle Stretch
“You always sit in that room and play your silly video game, can you at least go outside for a walk or something?” Mom screamed. It was a beautiful sunny day. One of those pleasant, brilliant days that all you want to do is relax on the beach. Sit under a colossal umbrella, drink some kind of icy lemonade and not think about anything. But at the same time, the sun was like a lava from an erupting volcano . The more you were standing in the sun without cover, the worst it gets. The sun was striking with its brightness like a lightning, super bright and sparkly. As always emptiness was around the corner in my head, and games were the answer. For me the games were basically everything. Deeply would …show more content…

With gigantic fear in my brain I ran to the kitchen. The kitchen is a great base for armory. Well, I was thinking smart, i took the best weapon of all, a broom. The deadliest of them. I was like a ninja, more specific like samurai is running through the hall to the door. My mind was not thinking, couldn't imagine who was it. Because I knew my parents never come that early. And they boycott to open the door with the key, they knock. And it couldn't be my brother, he was in Ukraine. As I see the door open just a tiny crack, i close my eyes and hit. With all my power, i smack someone in the face with the broom. All you could hear is a slam of the broom. As I open my eyes, I see my Mom. With a enormous shock I was stunt. Couldn't talk or do anything. And there it goes , “ Are you kooky? What are you doing? What's the matter with you? With a big anger she screamed. Well, she never said that in English, she shrieked that in Ukrainian with inappropriate language. The translation is better. She walked in, like a bull entering arena. She closed the door gently. I was surprised that she never smacked it. “ Why did you do that? Did you become crazy with those video games? You always sit in that room and play your silly video games, can you at least go

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