
Broken Norm Analysis

Decent Essays

A norm has been broken and has effected my family. My grandpa, Lewis Wayne, passed away October 11, 2016 at the age of 89. His death had caused many of broken norms throughout his life and even toward his last days that my family had grown so use to seeing. My grandpa was a great, hard working man that could never fail to make you laugh. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with skin cancer in October of 2014. As a family we chose for him to receive radiation/chemo and fight the cancer. He began chemo in February 2015. During his rounds of treatment, there had been shown an amount of reduction. Later in the year of 2015, they had found that the cancer came back and even grew, so he began radiation for 5 days a week for 5 weeks total. Before …show more content…

After time, my family had gotten use to seeing him with his pale skin, drooped face, and the inability to be active. My family and I were use to caregiving at this time in his life. Such as, helping him to the bathroom, changing the bandages on the cancer sites, and eventually feeding him. Looking back on it now, I didn’t realize how much suffering he went through until I think about all the things he could not do on his own. Eventually, we had to hire a professional caregiver. Good Samaritan Hospice was such a big help to my family and treated my grandpa with the proper care. Hospice care was with him from April to October of 2016. The last two weeks of my grandpa’s life was the hardest thing I have had to go through so far. In his last days I miss sharing “ I love you’s” with him. This was such a special thing for me to hear from him because he was always the type of person to hide his emotions. He had always believed that love was shown through actions rather than words. Hearing it for the first times from him felt overwhelming because through my childhood I never heard him express affection with his …show more content…

When he passed away, the norm of seeing him so sick had been broken. His death affected my family by bringing sadness and remembrance of the great grandpa I once had. Altogether we lost a husband, father, grandpa, uncle, and sibling. My grandma lost a spouse and has a hole left in her heart. Although, since he has passed, she has been able to enjoy herself. Before, she had become so stressed and worried that it depleted her health. Now she is regaining her health and can even go out of the house to return to things she couldn't do when he was so sick. (Such as participate in church activities, go get her hair done, and spend time with friends.) Times have been hard since he passed, but some goods have turned up throughout these tough circumstances. My entire extended family has became so close with support and love. Not that this wasn’t present before, but the amount has surely increased. We got through it because we relied on our faith while strengthening it. People in the community really helped my family from sending sympathy cards to supplying us food they had prepared. We met outstanding people through Good Samaritan Hospice who was there for us every step of the way. This relates to the topics of culture in class because even during hard times, the things your culture values truly rises to the top. This projects showed how negatives can bring out the positives in cultures.

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