
Brooks On Grads

Decent Essays

I think David Brooks conveniently analyzed the state of most recent grads. Most grands are sent out to dreadful job markets that were built on borrowing or credit. Typically, the grads are coerced to derive this because this generation has been supervised and trained to think and play on one playing field. But once in the real world they find themselves lacking the skills they need for survival and have to figure it out own their own.
Mr. Brooks’ intent is to show a problem that all young people and even college grads face and he proved his point adequately. His intended audience is young adults, that are about to face the real job market and they need to be made aware what’s in front of them. But, yet he is also speaking to the average person not just the grads because he knows many people read the New York Times and they also may be faces some of the same challenges. …show more content…

This knowledge allows him to inform readers on how the school system fails graduates before they even make out of school. His emotional tone is bitter and informative; the use of bitter words in the essay shows how he felt towards the school system. He uses sarcasm as he says “Most will spend a decade wandering from job to job and cliché to cliché searching for a role”.
Mr. Brooks is trying to accomplish, teaching children at a young age how to work hard and shoot for the stars is the best approach of raising a child. Mr. Brooks felt that the generation now is being handed, tutored and coached and has fail to learn how to do things on their own. Teaching them that thigs may not always go their way, somedays you’re going to have to work harder to reach those stars your working to

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