
Brown Vs Board Of Education Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Charity Barber
Professor Jones
English 101-52 April 18, 2016
“Separate But Equal” has to do with the separation of whites and African Americans. The white people thought that the African Americans should be separated from them just because his/or her skin color was different. The African Americans thought that separating them from the white people was a violation of the rights of citizens. There was a court case that dealt with the separation of African Americans and whites. It was called Brown vs. Board of Education. Schools that were separate were not at all equal during this time. The whites had better school equipment and higher educated teachers to help educate his/or her students. The states then made it mandatory to accept students into public schools with no judgement towards his/or her religion or color. Since desegregation there have been numerous beneficial outcomes for African Americans.
There has been many …show more content…

A person of all races receives the same education treatment and opportunities being in the same school with the help from the same teacher. Individuals in the same environment as other student learn the same techniques as others and are able to graduate with these techniques as other races. African Americans have been the most discriminated race of time, so when desegregation came about this was a success that helped a lot. Black student achievement, nationwide, and in every state, has improved at a spectacular rate since Brown. (Rothstein, 2014). It is very important to know how desegregation of whites and African Americans has impacted the world of education today. Another way African Americans receives accomplishments is by getting awarded for all of his/ or her successes. This build his/ or her self-esteem and makes them feel equal to others. Overtime there has been many opportunity programs that have evolved to help African

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