
Buddha And Jesus Comparison Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Jennie Halula
Essay #6
Jesus and Buddha are both considered to be the backbone to their respective religions.
Buddha and Jesus are both said to be conceived without their mothers enduring any kind of human intercourse. Buddha (a generic term meaning “Awakened One”), was born by the name Siddhartha Gautama, and was believed to be born around the 5th century BCE. Buddha’s mother Maya has said that a white elephant carrying a lotus flower entered her womb during a dream. Buddha is said to have been born in the garden of Lumbini near Kapilavastu and was then raised in a lap of luxury.
The name Jesus was chosen because it means “savior” or “God saves”. Jesus’ mother Mary was said to have conceived by Immaculate …show more content…

Unfortunately, the last mean that he had eaten included poisonous mushrooms (it was not intentional to poison him). As monks came to pay their final respects to Buddha, he advised them to continue their own spiritual development.
Jesus, was to be executed by crucifixion, by order of Pontius Pilate on grounds that he was a challenger to the earthly king Caeser. After Jesus hung nailed to a cross for hours he passed on. Joseph of Arimathea, whom was a wealthy Jewish disciple, asked Pilate if he could take Jesus’ body to a tomb for proper burial (which he allowed). There was a guard that stayed at the entrance at all times, but on the third day it was discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty. Angels appeared and said that Jesus had risen from death.
Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, therefore, it does not believe in a supreme creator. Christianity is a monotheistic religion that believes in one God. Buddhist will worship in Buddhist monasteries, temples, or shrines where Christians will worship in a church. Buddhist believe in an endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth where Christians believe in birth and then moving onto Heaven or

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