
Building Up The Fizz In Soda

Decent Essays

Building Up The Fizz In Soda

Problem Statement
What is the effect of pressure on carbonation in soda?

It is hypothesized that if you use big ice cubes then, more fizz will form.
The problem was do ice cubes effect the pressure on carbonation in soda?
It was hypothesized that if you use bigger ice cubes, then more fizz will form in the soda.
The procedures followed was to rinse five ice cubes in cold water and put them all together so they are close and touching, more so that they could freeze into a clump. I had to do the same with a group of 4, 3, and 2 ice cubes. And put aside a single ice cube on a fifth plate. Then fill the glass 3-1/4 full with soda. Then I had to stand around and wait until the fizz die …show more content…

My hypothesis was rejected, in this experiment I found that the soda had more fizz without ice than it did with ice. But as I continued my experiment I noticed the soda without ice fizzed more. I also noticed that the bigger the cube the longer it took for the soda to die down, and the smaller the ice cube the quicker the fizz in the

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