
Bulimia Nervosa Research Paper

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Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that can be caused or triggered by psychological factors. These factors usually have to do with the victim’s need for control. A bulimic person is likely to have episodes of binge eating followed by their own method of weight control. Some of these methods include vomiting, extreme exercise, fasting and excessive uses of laxatives. The bulimic will binge eat, then vomit, then repeat the cycle as often they feel is necessary. Although bulimia occurs in males, it is most commonly found in girls of later adolescence and early adulthood. As girls become older and hit puberty, many emotions and concerns about their body figure begin to develop. Society can make girls feel like they need to lose weight in order …show more content…

Researchers believe it began with lack of satisfaction of the person’s body, size and shape. Researchers have also observed that “most bulimics are females who described growing up in chaotic environments and feeling ‘lost in the shuffle’” (Carr 128). Growing up in an environment as described can explain their feelings of not having control when they are older. But we still do not know why one would turn specifically vomiting and binging if they feel out of control. There are many speculations, such as the person has control over what they do with their body, including eating. So this may compensate for their feelings of lack of control. We are constantly being displayed a message by society that in order to fit in, you must be thin. This desire to be thin can trigger them to take drastic measures. Periods of depression, boredom, and anger are likely to increase the risk of binging and purging. Furthermore, the mental and emotional costs of bulimia have the ability to make people feel inadequate: “People with bulimia can lose the ability to think logically. They begin to believe they don’t deserve to be happy or get help for their problem” (Hall 23). The individual feels unhappy or helpless to make the necessary changes. They also feel guilty and ashamed about their behavior. Some people seclude themselves so that they can indulge in this habit behavior. People can sometimes get addicted to the feelings that ensue from their bulimia

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