
Burt's Bees: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Kennedy had just turned nine months when she got her first true diaper rash. Needless to say, I was shocked when I realized she had what seemed to be a yeast rash, quickly realizing where I went wrong.
Since she was a newborn part of our bed time routine has been to put on a fresh diaper and a thick layer of Burt’s Bees diaper rash ointment. A couple of weeks ago I had just ran out of the Burt's Bees, so I used a different ointment and that is when it happened...she woke up with her first nasty rash! I have since ordered multiple bottles and will not be without my Burt's Bees Ointment (Please know that although there are affiliate links on this post, I am in no way affiliated with Burt's Bees, I just really like their rash ointment and have …show more content…

Sure enough, that’s the suggestion I got. I knew it would be harsh on her baby skin, but did not have the time or ingredients to make my own ointment (a friend suggested I try Mamma Natural’s ointment… I now have all the ingredients for it; although, I hope I don’t ever have to use it, I will review if I do). Feeling a bit guilty about using something so harsh, I started with the treatment right away. This is what I did:
1. I switched to Water wipes. I typically use the Honest Brand wipes; although they are natural they contain ingredients that could irritate the skin and aggravate the rash further. Water wipes are made of 99.9% water and .01% grapefruit seed extract. They tend to be pricy, so I only use them when I feel she needs something extra gentle.

2. Switched from Honest diapers to Bamboo diapers, again although, Honest diapers are natural, I find the Bamboo diapers to be even more gentle and breathable. Because the Bamboo diapers fluctuate in price on Amazon I tend to switch between the two and only order them when they are about .35 per diaper.

3. Checked her diaper more frequently than usual and rinsed her bottom with warm water after every poop. Also made sure to let it air dry after the

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