
Business Analysis : Carrion & Associates Accounting Services

Better Essays

TO: Directory Board
FROM: Dalliana Carrion, Vice President
DATE: March 24, 2015
SUBJECT: Establish a headquarter Decisions

Carrion & Associates Accounting Services is a new company to provide computerized software accounting solutions to independent businesses. We provide you accounting and tax services with efficiency and personal attention to help customer utilize resources more effectively, as we work toward meeting customer’s financial goals. Carrion & Associates Accounting Services was established on February, 2015 for FAU students who are successful finishing their career in accounting field. Company is planning to grow in a faster way building customer trust.

This document is to suggest the appropriate property location for Carrion & Associates Accounting Services. After the establishment of this new business this year, owners decided to pursue to open a headquarters of a location where we can grow and build clients relationships. Other preparations, such as the budget allocation and hiring process, are already taken care of except for the location. This recommendation report suggests several options to give us an idea what will be the appropriate location for Carrion & Associates Accounting Services.

I. Comparison between two states
Choosing a business location is possibly the most important decision a small business owner or startup will make, so it requires accurate planning and research. It involves looking at demographics,

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