
Business Analysis : Cloud Services

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Corporations are finding the value from moving their enterprise systems from on premises to the cloud. There are several reasons for companies to do this; professionals need to be engaged in activities that will drive the company’s business instead of keeping hardware running. Lipsitz (2011), Cloud service providers can provide business ready alternatives more securely, efficiently, and at a better price. IT organizations should be investigating those alternatives and redeploying IT staff to more business critical projects. The concept of anytime, anywhere on any device is no longer a concept, it is a necessity. Many enterprises have employees that work remotely, are mobile and need to get their information on many different devices. The cloud has the correct architecture to deliver services to employees while keeping them productive and enabling them to collaborate on the move. Cloud services also provide scale to allow businesses to resize their services when needed.

There are many cloud offerings available to corporations; this paper focuses on Microsoft Office 365. For the reasons written about in this paper, you will see that moving the Exchange and SharePoint environments into Microsoft’s offering will benefit CompanyA Green Mountain, Inc.

Microsoft (2014) “has provided enterprise-class productivity solutions for more than 25 years, and Office is the most widely-used productivity suite worldwide. Office 365 is an enterprise-grade service, designed to

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