
Business Line Model Of Nordstrom

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Strength The diverse business line model that Nordstrom applies gives them a competitive edge over their competitors. Unlike many of their competitors, Nordstrom operates in several retail categories such as: clothing, furniture, bedding, footwear, beauty products, jewelry, house wear and cafes (Nordstrom Inc, n.d). Operating in multi retail categories gives consumers an incentive to shop at their shop, over the competitors because the consumer can satisfy all their specific needs and wants in one store instead of having to visit several. The divergent product line also broadens Nordstrom 's target market by offering different products that attract new market segments and reach the different demographic and purchasing needs of each consumer. Nordstrom’s wide product range helped them to increase their “Total Revenue in the 3 quarter 2014 by 8.88 % year on year, while most of its competitors have experienced contraction in revenues by -0.17 %” (CSI Market, 2014) . As Nordstrom continues to constantly add in new products-or line extensions to their product mix, they can expect to maintain a steady growth and competitive advantage over their competitors. Nordstrom has quickly become one of The United States’ best high-end fashion Specialty retailers. Among their store expansions and sales growth it is their strategy in targeting two market segments has placed them in an optimal marketing position. Within the business there is first the Nordstrom name brand, which sells

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