
Business Texting

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Reach Customers Easy and Fast with Business Texting
According to Forbes Magazine, mobile marketing is the future of customer communication. Forbes cites that over 80 percent of adults own a phone and over 90 percent of adults keep their phone within arm’s reach. In fact, over half of mobile searches lead to a sale. Therefore, business texting is essential to business success. Here are three reasons why business texting is critical to your marketing plan. Business Texting is Optional
Mass marketing relies on the principles of saturating a target demographic or random members of the public with advertising. However, business texting is an opt-in service. That is, consumers voluntarily provide their phone number and are free to opt-out at any time. Therefore, the target audience will be consumers who are already familiar with the product or service. As a result, you can reduce wasted marketing costs while accurately reaching your target market. Keep in mind that business texting will always rely on traditional advertising forms to establish and maintain and customer texting database.
It Increases Consumer Engagement …show more content…

When it comes to email, consumers are tired of dealing with spam and banner ads. Since texting spam is still in the infancy stage, phone users aren’t as jaded as they are compared with traditional email. In addition to this, text messages are quicker, shorter and easier to read. Keep in mind that 25 percent of adults only have a smartphone to access the Internet. Therefore, the conversion process and rates for a business text is much higher. Business texting is also an excellent opportunity to directly engage consumers in conversation while improving the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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