

Better Essays

Danaher Study Questions

Study questions:

1) What is your assessment of the Danaher's diversification strategy? How does Danaher create value through diversification and mergers and acquisitions? What concerns do you have with their strategy?

3) What is your analysis of how Danaher manages diversification?

4) What is your assessment of Danaher's approach to post merger integration?

5) What can we learn from Danaher?

LVMH: Managing the Multi-Brand Conglomerate

Study Questions

1. What is your assessment of LVMH’s diversification? Does it make sense for the company to compete on a scope that includes champagne, jewelry, fashion, cosmetics, and retailing? How does it add value to its different businesses? Is …show more content…

The revolutionary Supercub was the first motorcycle that was designed to allow the operator to change gears with one hand. The powerful, lightweight and easy to operate machine appealed to the Japanese housewife who needed to have a vehicle to use while carrying shopping bags. (The gasoline shortage in Japan after WWII severely limited automobile use.)
From 1960-1973, the British share of the US market dropped from 49% to 9% - largely due to Honda’s entry and the subsequent market transformation from one dominated by heavy, powerful and expensive machines to one characterized by lightweight, reliable, and inexpensive motorcycles. The following excerpts from a BCG report to the British government recount the events of the day and offer an explanation for Honda’s success.
The mix of competitors in the U.S. motorcycle market underwent a major shift in the 1960s. Motorcycle registrations increased from 575,000 in 1961 to 1,382,000 in 1965. Prior to 1960 the U.S. market was served mainly by Harley Davidson of U.S.A., BSA, Triumph and Norton of U.K. and Moto Guzzi of Italy. Harley was the market leader with total 1959 sales of $16.6 million. After the second world war, motorcycles in the U.S.A. attracted a very limited group of people other than police and army personnel who used motorcycles on the job. While most motorcyclists were no doubt decent people. groups of rowdies who

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