
CMST 380 Midterm Exam

Satisfactory Essays

We talked about how important is for you to not miss any of your classes. You have missed points on your classes and important information regarding your assignments and evaluations. Your absences are reported in your Master Sheet for Grades, which is attached to my email. In addition, you need to come to take your test and exams on time. Your instructors trust that our Proctoring Services gives your exams and evaluations at the day and time they are scheduled. You took your CMST 230. You were 20 minutes late to take this test. Your CMST 380 Midterm Exam is tomorrow (Thursday) at 12:30 pm. Please be on time. Your CMST 262 Midterm Exam is also tomorrow. You need to come at 9:30 am to take it. Keep working on your CMST 3265 Presentation.

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